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搜索结果: 196-210 共查到核科学技术 U.K. nuclear相关记录245条 . 查询时间(0.327 秒)
April 17, 2007,An MIT undergraduate course in civil and environmental engineering and engineering systems is exploring how to safely transport spent nuclear fuel from the approximately 130 nuclear pow...
April 10, 2007,The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has determined that the failure of the Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant to promptly take corrective action for a diesel generator fuel leak in June 2...
April 10, 2007,The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s annual assessment of safety performance at the Pilgrim nuclear power plant, in Plymouth, Mass., will be the subject of a public meeting on Tuesday, A...
April 9, 2007,The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will meet with representatives of Nuclear Management Co., on Wednesday, April 11, to discuss the agency’s assessment of safety performance for las...
This site ofNuclear Education, Research, and Careers provides students from middle school through college with the opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities presented in selecting nuclea...
Established in 1958, the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT is one of the oldest Nuclear Science and Engineering graduate programs in the country. Still, compared to more traditional...
University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering Department is founded in 1957, the department is one of the oldest and most prestigious programs in the United States. The department's strengths include a ...
Nuclear engineering is concerned with the science of nuclear processes and their application to the development of various technologies. Nuclear processes are fundamental in the medical diagnosis and ...
I would like to welcome you to the web page of School of Nuclear Engineering. Legend has it that this is the birthplace of the nuclear unit "barn" (coined when W. Heisenberg - of the Heisenberg Uncert...
28-Mar-2007,RICHLAND, Wash. -- Identifying and quantifying specific alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides in liquid solutions can be challenging and time consuming typically taking from days to weeks...
March 2, 2007,The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has determined that the Perry Nuclear Power Plant has taken sufficient corrective actions to allow its return to routine agency oversight as of Ma...
February 22, 2007,The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has determined that an inspection finding at the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station regarding operability of emergency diesel generators is of “w...
February 22, 2007,The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has proposed a $6,500 fine against MISTRAS Holding Group of Carol Stream, Ill., for failing to institute certain security measures at its Cona...
February 12, 2007,The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has issued its final determination that the calculation method used by Clinton Nuclear Power Station to ensure proper functioning of a pump ne...
March 6, 2007,The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued annual assessment letters to the nation’s 103 operating commercial nuclear power plants. All the plants continue to operate safely.









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